Brand Advocates

Fitness Professionals

Brand Advocates

Fitness Professionals

Artificers hidden in all walks of life, extraordinary people in the health industry.

Among the partners who practice health ideals, we have explored a group of special people - "Artificer Advocates". They carry the spirit of Artificer and quietly contribute in the field of health with unrelenting efforts and perseverance.
This is their story, a practice of faith; the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

謝從華 / Polinna

王永舜 / Ludi

王楷宇 / Dunken

余家緯 / Wally

李少琨 / Vans

李卉耘 / Coka

李祁臻 / Chi

東姵妤 / Dong Dong

林以庭 / Yi-ting

林均澔 / Angus

林凱勤 / Hsiao Pang

胡孟芸 / Hsiao Luye

胡堂智 / Nick

馬家正 / Rock

張益華 / Jerry

莊春暉 / Albert

許寶全 / Perry

郭禹茜 / Brook

郭家宇 / Poca

陳良魁 / Nike

陳慧鍬 / Krista

黃立玲 / Lin

楊博凱 / Nick

葉柏瑜 / Kay

廖友蒨 / Kit

廖耿韋 / Will

劉佩欣 / Sofia

劉紋秀 / Mia

潘建和 / Mike

潘旗 / Peggy

蔡博文 / Bo-wen

盧榮燦 / Ken

蕭承鈞 / Jaden

戴佩柔 / Cathy

羅依嵐 / Elan

王俊人 / Grace

楊沄溱 /Mandy

白華香 / Vivian

陳錦龍 / David

邱憶潔 / Sunny

吳克瑞 / Eric

邱煥堯 / Larry

劉金鳳 / Winnie